Friday, June 14, 2024



It’s now the end of May. John heads to the storage yard to finalise collecting our truck which is still strapped to the flat rack. But the next drama is paying Maersk (the shipping line) fees for their overdue container/flat rack. John returns for me and the laptop and we set up in the boardroom. Pay Maersk and forward them proof of payment. But of course, they want to see the actual monies in their bank account and monies coming from overseas takes a few days! After spending all day at the yard we head back to the Hotel with our tails between our legs!

Friday morning, we discover our foreign exchange has refused payment. India is a restricted currency and they need a purpose code. We spend the entire day emailing and messaging people everywhere. The Kenya agents, the Australian agents, our bank manager, our foreign exchange and people here. A big shout out to our lovely bank manager and our Australian agent who tried so hard to get the monies paid to Maersk Australia. But by 4pm everything goes quiet. The weekend is looming so nothing will happen for 2 more days at least. On Saturday we decide to pay our agent here as he can supply a purpose code. Of course, the fees have increased dramatically because Maersk charge like wounded bulls for hire of their flat rack, but we have no choice. We set up the payment carefully with every part of the entry filled in. Now we can only sit and wait. Phew, Monday morning our foreign exchange confirm it has gone. We wait. Who knows how long India will take.

Tuesday nothing. Its getting a little stressful. Wednesday waiting! At 8pm we get a message from our agent; the monies have arrived but it’s too late for them to transfer them to Maersk. It will be tomorrow morning. So again, we wait. Emails are flying everywhere as our agent tries to speed them along for our Delivery Order (the very last piece of paperwork required to free GR2).  Finally, by 2.30pm I get the message. We order our tuk tuk and head in to holding yard. I let them know we are coming in, but of course they don’t organise the credit card machine until we arrive. (They have daily yard fees too.)  So, another 40 minutes! Then out to the yard. A container has to be moved and then GR2 is lifted out. How many guys does it take to unbolt the stays, open the end of the container and put in ramps. Over 20, but only one works at a time.  Hours later (no exaggeration) we finally drive GR2 back to our hotel. It is way to late to leave tonight, so one more night here with our best sleep so far. It has been nearly 4 weeks since GR2 landed!

Up early to prep before it gets too hot. Days are in the high 30’s. John has to remove all the bars over the windows and we pack our room. By midmorning we say our goodbyes to the very helpful staff who have looked after us for the last 3 weeks. You are legends!

The plan is to explore a bit on our way to Ahmedabad where John has found storage for GR2 and where there are good flights home on Singapore Airlines. But it is so hot we just keep driving and decide to head in to the storage and see if we can get flights. Yay, by 10pm we are all settled in and have our flights booked for the next day. Its’s still 38 deg so we are in for a hot night!

We pack and tidy. It is 48 deg today so poor John is incredibly hot after putting the bars back on and disconnecting the batteries. But of course, India has one more curve ball to throw at us. We have to move to another storage area. John reconnects the batteries and we move!!! We are incredibly glad to get to the cool airconditioned airport, and thank goodness its not as frantic as Mumbai.  By the end of the day, we are up and away. YAY Brisbane we are coming home. We will return to India after the monsoon.


We have finally seen GR2. The awning has been damaged, probably when they swung the container up and onto the ship, or off!

Second visit we find GR2 jammed in the middle of containers

Finally being lifted out

Hours later driven off the flat rack

We say our goodbyes to our Village Resort family

Miles of flatness, with lots of salt farms, as head to Ahmedabad. 

Love their trucks. No air con. Open windows only


Saturday, June 1, 2024


Today we have flights on 3 different airlines and they are not linked, meaning that we have to collect our bags and recheck them in on each section. We hope we have allowed enough time between flights, so fingers crossed! We arrive at the Heraklion airport in plenty of time, but only Greeks can do such chaos. There are long lines everywhere. Through just in time, only to discover the flight is delayed one hour. At Athens airport our bags take 40 tense minutes to come through. We race to the Etihad line. No queue as we are so late, but our visas for India need to verified and printed. Eventually they check us in without the printouts. A sigh of relief as we board the plane to Abu Dhabi. But this plane left late too so fingers crossed we will make our connection to Mumbai, and YAY we do. But we have another hiccup. Johns evisa is OK and he is stamped in. Mine is not! I have entered on my NZ passport as my Aussie one expires in a few months. What dramas are caused by one little word. They object to me saying I am Australian when I am travelling on a NZ passport. Phew 2 hours in the interrogation room. “Wait till the big boss comes at 8am”. “But our next flight is at 7am to Bhuj and there are no others today”. “Well, he can go!” Standoff. After much talking (not to us and all in Hindi) they fill out mountains of paperwork, get me to write a long story and finally fingerprint me and stamp me in. Now just a few hours to wait for our last flight, this time on Air India. It has been a long day and night with no sleep. We fill in our time trying to get cash out of an ATM and a Sim. No go on both counts, we will try at the next airport. Then more huge lines just for a domestic flight. Finally on board, all jammed in like sardines for a very short flight. Our last leg is over. John has been trying, very unsuccessfully to get a rental car. When we arrive, we see why. There is nothing at this airport. Not even an ATM and definitely no rental cars. We end up in a doggy old taxi driving 40 mins to Mundra. It is hot, dirty and dusty, but we are here at last. And at least our hotel looks nice and it has a lovely pool. Bonus. Now we can sleep and WAIT. Its Groundhog Day all week. We wait, swim, read, wait. Our Agent is not very forthcoming with information. We think Customs are the hold up. We go for a few walks, but its so hot (daily range from 38-42C) that we give up and use tuk-tuks. Visit Mundra old town driving through the crazy maze of narrow streets to see the lovely temple. Before we know it, the weekend has arrived. Nothing will happen now! Saturday, we hire a car and driver (no self-drive rental cars here) and head out. We have a list of attractions to see. First the rather lovely Shri Bhadreshwar Jain Tirth Temple (we actually came out yesterday in a tuk-tuk, but it was closed). It is amazing how clean and green it is inside the Temple grounds. A complete contrast to outside where it’s dirty, dusty and littered with piles of rubbish. The next stop is the jaw dropping 72 Jinalaya Shwetambar Jain Temple made of intricately carved white marble with 72 stupas. The interior dazzles with mirror tiles of every hue (but no photos inside please) We head on towards Mandva Beach to see the next on our list – the huge wooden boats being built on the inlet. They are massive, and totally built by hand. When they are completed, after at least a year. they are floated out to sea on a high tide. Then we wind through the maze of streets in the old town to spot the lighthouse before heading out to the beach with all its attractions. Camel, horse and quad rides, plus heaps of food choices. Oh, and rubbish! We have brough our togs for a swim, and the water looks inviting with waves rolling in, but the locals are all swimming fully dressed which we don’t want to do. We will get some very odd looks if we don our togs and head in. Next stop is the lovely Vijay Vilas Palace owned by the local Maharajah. A rather stunning home/palace. We stop for lunch. All the food in this area is vegetarian and SPICY. Phew! Can’t even get the dahl near my mouth, but the potato paratha is good. Our list done we head back home. In the pool that afternoon we meet 2 lovely Indians. She works for Bollywood and he is a real-life Prince (his father is a Maharajah). Anyway, lots of chatting and discussing our route. We had planned to head north, but he says the rains are coming, and when he offers to store GR2 at his fort in Goa we change our plans completely. We will head south when we finally get our truck. Sunday is a quiet day. John has shared his flu with me, so I rest. Monday crawl out of bed feeling a bit better and we hear from our agent. They are meeting customs today. Again nothing. Frustration sets in big time. We talk to everyone, but the English here is very limited. Tuesday, he says he’s working on it. Another day passes. Wednesday we finally have good news. “The Customs officer will give permission today.” We get excited, but it seems like another delaying tactic because we hear no more and spend another night watching cricket. Thursday, we decide that tomorrow we will go to Customs and try ourselves (they are closed today for a holiday!) But there is action Friday morning. We need to pay the Indian Automobile Assoc for approval to drive in India. That done we wait! Again! Before we know it its another weekend, so nothing happens. Monday more promises and paperwork. Tuesday, we decide to head into Customs ourselves. What a drama. The Port is ginormous and we need special permission to enter. An hour later we are in with our tuk-tuk. At Customs we meet yet another agent and visit customs. This agent assures us he will contact us, so we head back to the Hotel. Well, a big fat nothing. Wednesday, we head to customs again determined to sort it out ourselves. We sit in Customs for hours. After a lot of grovelling and chatting the Customs Officer relents and decides to help us, thus bypassing our useless agents. Once he has a huge pile of paper assembled in his file we drive to the truck (FINALLY) so he can look inside. He does confiscate a bottle of alcohol (this state is officially dry), then back to stamp our carnet. It is all new to these guys so every step has to be double checked. Its nearly 6pm by the time we head back to GR to get her released. To pay our charges they have to get a guy 14km away to come in with a credit card machine! But we are not done. One more piece of paper required…. Oh, so close. Its dark when we get back to the Hotel without our truck. But sadly, there are more hurdles.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


The  local streets

Local bus

A nearby housing development the Owner showed us through

The Mundra Temple

The ornately carved exterior of the Mundra Temple

Mundra town gates

Sugar cane juice anyone

Clothes mended or herbal advise needed

Driving in the tuk-tuk

The other gate in town

Shri Bhadreshwar Jain Tirth

72 Jinalaya Shwetambar Jain

The boat building yards

All done by hand

The old town on Mandva

Always rubbish everywhere

The beach

Vijay Vilas Palace

Nearby temple

No one around so sneak a few photos inside

The old town walls as we leave Mandva


Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Later we arrive in Frankfurt. Of course, we have missed our connecting flight to Munich and our overnight booking there. After much hunting for help in the deserted airport we head to the Sheraton for the night, courtesy of Condor Airlines. In the morning, we are put onto a flight to Munich and before long we have collected our car and we head out to the motorway on a cold grey day. As we head towards Austria, we drive through the mountains, the trees dripping with snow. After a week of spring Germany & Austria have gone back into winter.  It is gorgeous, but very cold. What a change from hot sticky Mombasa.

Later in the day we check into the Alpine Hotel in the lovely ski resort town of Schladming. This is where Krug Expedition is now based (previously in Ukraine) and we have an appointment there tomorrow. We are ordering GR3. GR2 is getting tired and worn, and will go home after we have explored India. When we wake it is snowing, so after breakfast at a bakery we head up to the mountains to see the gorgeous snowy scenery before we head to Krug Expeditions. The next few hours are spent having a good look through the Krug Rhino which John came over last year to inspect. The next day we finalise all the details. GR3 should be ready in November for more adventures in Europe…. We can’t wait.

We still have a few weeks to fill in before GR2 arrives in India so we are heading to Georgia to see my sister Judy.  We have another 2 nights before we fly out so we head to the tourist town of Salzburg to explore. It is a gorgeous drive with a detour out to Hallsten on the lake. All day it is wow, wow, wow! We head to the cheapest hotel in town, just on the outskirts. It is a pleasant surprise with views of the mountains and a great little local restaurant. After a great brekkie (included in the price) we head to town to do the touristy things. We wander the lovely streets, head up the hill on a cable car to explore the stunning old Fortress and its museums and finally wander through the gardens of Mirabel Schloss where parts of Sound of Music were set. Tick list done we leave town to head to Passau to wander the lovely streets before heading to  Zur Triftsperre Pension in the countryside. What a lovely find, that is when we eventually locate it, set beside a lovely river with plenty of walks for us to explore.

In the morning, we meander along back roads until we reach the town of Landshut. Our hotel isn’t open yet so we park and set off to explore. It is a great find. There is a huge old town area with locals out enjoying the fine weather. We trudge up the steep hill to the castle to explore and gawp at the views.  Sunday morning, we are due to fly out so we head back to Munich, drop off our car and wait for our flight to Tbilisi. There are lovely views over the Alps, then we fly over the Black Sea and drop down into Georgia. We visit the ATM and phone shop before collecting our “rent a wreck” (or so it should be called). The first car has no aircon, and it’s pretty hot here at the moment, so we return it for another one. Then it is off to my sister Judy’s house in the country. Thank goodness for the new sim. We can just put the address into google maps and head off. It is lovely to catch up with Judy and her son Giorgi, who we haven’t met before. Lots of chatting of course.

The following day we head out for a drive up a mountain pass nearly to Russia. There is still plenty of snow and we stop at some lovely Churches. Georgia is full of them! It’s a big day but there is still more to explore, so later the next day we head off to see a few of the Monasteries. They really are amazing. Much later that day we pack up and head back to the city, we have a very early flight to Crete via Athens. Unfortunately, all the flights from Georgia leave early! Yuck! So, we head to Judys city apartment so we can get to the airport on time. We try to sleep, but it isn’t easy when you know you need to get up at 2.30am. We are ready on time and head off, but something has happened on the motorway and the traffic is all jammed up! We decide to find another way! What a circus as we wind through tiny back streets in the dark. We make it to the airport by the skin of our teeth and are relieved to finally get onto the plane.

After 2 flights we arrive in Crete and collect our car. It is still well over an hour’s drive to our digs for the next week in the tiny hillside town of Episkopis. Villa di Palma is a lovely 3-bedroom home which will be perfect for when Judys daughter Nina, Robin & Lyra arrive in a few days’ time. We can’t sit at home all day so we head to the nearby town of Rethimno to explore. It has a lovely old harbour filled with cute fishing boats, a maze of narrow streets to explore and a huge castle looming overhead. We enjoy dinner at a portside restaurant before heading home to crash for the night.

After a slow start we decide to drive to the town of Galatas our friends recommended. It was the site of a battle during WW2 that Kiwis were involved in. There is a cute old museum about the War that the local custodian opens for us. Later we head to the coast to explore, stopping at a rocky beach to give Giorgi time to throw rocks into the water, and then stop at the gorgeous Gonia Monastery with its museum full of lovely paintings and religious artifacts. We finish off another lovely day at a Tavera right on the beach front. The next day we head up the hill to explore our local village and discover local guys preparing a bonfire for tonight as it is Orthodox Easter here. The action is due to start at 9pm, so of course we return. The place is packed and cars are parked up and down the streets. The interior of the Church is crammed and the priests are singing. We wait amongst the crowds. First, it’s the boys playing with the fire, then the bigger boys. Finally, the bigger boys put on gloves and pick up the long bamboo bundles (about 8 metres long each and there are 4 of them) They light the ends of each bundle and take off running through the streets carrying them aloft. There is charcoals falling everywhere. Out of the Church comes the flower decorated bier carried by a few strong men, followed by a priest and a group of singers. All the rest of the crowd follow. Us to! All through the old town dodging piles of embers. When we reach the steep hill down to the lower town most give up, along with us. We head back home as it is getting late. Later we discover that they go through all the streets of the lower town, before returning to the Church. The locals then light a candle and get a blessing and flower from the bier.

Much later that night Nina, Robin & Lyra arrive, so a really late start followed by a lazy day on the beach and a long lunch in the taverna. The next day we all head back to the town of Rethimno. We plan to explore the Fort, but it’s closed for Easter, so we wander the town’s old streets. In the evening, we head up to the hills for dinner at a local Taverna for an awesome meal. Robin lived in Greece a few years ago so he knows what to order. Definitely our best meal here in Crete.

We check our list of things to see/do nearby and decide to drive backroads to the gorgeous aqua Lake Kourna. We explore, have lunch and hire paddle boats for a fun time in the water. The next day another glorious drive over the mountains to the Souga area where we find a stunning cove tucked right at the end of Plakias Beach to swim. Sadly (for me) it’s a nudist beach. Old German tourists look much better dressed. John did say that the ones wearing togs should be the nudists. Later we wander along the waterfront at Souga enjoying delicious Gyros as we walk. My all-time favorite Greek food.

Our week is up at the lovely Villa di Palma. We pack up and head off first. We have to drop our car off near the airport. The others are going to Chania for their last few days. We collect a smaller car and head off to explore for our last few days. We head cross the island through millions of olive groves and reach our first destination – Ierapetra, right on the water. We explore the slightly scruffy waterfront, admiring the boats, the Fort and of course numerous Churches, followed by another great Greek meal.

Our drive the next morning hugs the lovely coastline with lots of windy roads and hairpin bends. Its great zipping around in a tiny car. We reach our next destination of Katos Zachos, and after a great lunch at the beachfront taverna we find our hotel room with magic views across the tiny town. We hike up the amazing Dead Man’s gorge (so named because the caves were used as graves many years ago.) Much later we explore the beaches, and the next morning the ruins of a Minoan Palace. Our gorgeous drive continues as we head as far as we can drive on the Eastern Peninsula. On the way we stop at the stunning Palm Beach, its sparkling beach framed by date palms. A very popular tourist spot. We can’t quite reach the tip because it’s closed - a military base is located here. Finally, on to our next Hotel at Sitia with a short stop at the Topolon Monastery, home of some famous wines.

Again, we wander the old town before a long lazy dinner and in the morning explore the fort before we head off. It’s a cold grey day, so perfect for a long hike up the Richtis Gorge. We take the shorter hike by driving down an incredibly steep and winding road to the beach. The drop offs are scary and it’s one lane only most of the way. A great hike through the gorge and up to the stunning moss covered Richtis Waterfall. Much later we stop at the very cute town of Mochios for lunch. The place is buzzing with tourists. More lovely driving all the way to Agios Nikolaos where we are staying for our last night. We wander the waterfront and marina, and in the morning head out bright and early for the airport.

Sadly, our time in Crete is over, there is still much more to see, so we will be back. We love you Crete but GR2’s ship has landed and she has been offloaded, so its time to get to India. Our next continent beckons!


Driving through the falling snow in Schadming

And the lovely mountains

View of Schladming from our hotel

Checking out the Rhino

Hallstein is across the lake

Inside the castle fortress in Salzburg


Gorgeous Salzburg

Salzburg is the home of Christmas decorations - pity we have too many flights before we get home


Over the river in Passau

Gorgeous old town of Landshut

And the castle

Now in Georgia - exploring up the mountain pass

Yummy potato & cheese fritters for lunch

Still plenty of snow

And stunning Monasteries

The singing was lovely

Back in Judy's country hometown

More exploring

The premier spot

And the view from the top

Our digs in Crete - Villa di Palma

And our view

Inside the Gonia Monastery

There are cats everywhere in Crete. One on every rubbish bin 

Our local Church with the flower decorated bier

Getting ready for the bonfire tonight

The lower old town

Bonfire time- lighting the bamboo

And they are off

We follow

All the way through the village streets

Visiting Rethimno

The port

Visiting Lake Kourna

Lunch is cooking


Heading across the island

Our lovely nudist beach


Following the coastline

I love a red car

Great driving roads

Looking down into Dead Mans Canyon

Thats a salad! Yum

View across Katos Zakros

The Minoan Palace

The stunning Palm Beach

Nearly the end of the road

Windmill at the Topolon Monastery


Heading down into the Richtis Gorge

Finally the falls

The watering system for the olives... each one has a metre

More back roads

Lunch at Mochias

View from our room at Agios Nikolaos

Goodbye Crete