Thursday, July 21, 2016


Driving out to the Keys

There were qyuite a few of these guys at our KOA campground on the Keys

Key West

Key West old town

Key Lime Pie - forgot to take the photo before I polished off my share

There was a huge queue to take a photo of the southern most point - so I jumped out of GR2 and got one as we passed it.

Crossing in the right place - one of the few red deer left on the Keys

Crossing the Key bridges

Our little mate where we camped

Campspot on alligator creek


This alligator was much bigger!!

Our panthar

Sunset over Orlando while waiting for the fireworks


After this gold rained down from the sky - Wow

Floating in the Ichnetuckee River

Perfect way to spend a hot day

Savannah city

Hard to get a good photo because of all the lovely trees covered in spanish moss

The centre piece of the park in Savannah



More waterways

On to Charleston

And still more waterways

Wild horses at the beach while waiting for the ferry

What a lovely beach for the day - Ocracoke Island OBX

Another ferry ride

Another simple seaside home

The pier - it has seen better days

Love the lighthouses

Connecting roads & bridges

More lighthouses

Houses right on the sandbanks - OBX (Outer Banks)

After our morning stroll on the beach - see GR2 in our campspot for the night & the lighthouse

The Wright Brothers plane - well a replica anyway!

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