Thursday, March 9, 2023


The Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria

View from the top of Pretoria

Church Square in Pretoria

The gorgeous Sterkfontein Dam

Golden Gate National Park

The sun is setting at our camp spot

View from our hike

Driving through the settlement at Clarens

Now in Lesotho heading up the Mokhoabong Pass. Buying dried peaches.

At the top of the Pass

Local villages on our way to the Dam. Donkeys are being loaded with sacks at the corn mill

The water behind the dam

Some of the local herders

And Katse Dam itself

Camping with great views

Stunning scenery and rough roads

John watches the road. I watch the scenery

More of the locals

Mohale Dam

The Orange River which flows all the way to Namibia

Just love the local blankets and boots

Maletsunyane Waterfall

This is for you Sam. The Ha means Place of

More country villages

And more rocky outcrops

And more locals working

School boys with their hands out saying Please! A sad fact of life here

Devils Staircase

Masitise Cave House

Our back road that wasn't sealed to Malealea

And the stunning valley

Dirt track into Malealea

Our wonderful musicians. Loved the drums

Kome Cave Houses

The stunning scenery at Ts'ehlanyane National Park

Heading up the Moteng Pass

It keeps getting higher

And higher

Only the herders live up here

Sheep shearing time

At the border

And our last night at the Highest Pub in Africa


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