Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Driving through the falling snow in Schadming

And the lovely mountains

View of Schladming from our hotel

Checking out the Rhino

Hallstein is across the lake

Inside the castle fortress in Salzburg


Gorgeous Salzburg

Salzburg is the home of Christmas decorations - pity we have too many flights before we get home


Over the river in Passau

Gorgeous old town of Landshut

And the castle

Now in Georgia - exploring up the mountain pass

Yummy potato & cheese fritters for lunch

Still plenty of snow

And stunning Monasteries

The singing was lovely

Back in Judy's country hometown

More exploring

The premier spot

And the view from the top

Our digs in Crete - Villa di Palma

And our view

Inside the Gonia Monastery

There are cats everywhere in Crete. One on every rubbish bin 

Our local Church with the flower decorated bier

Getting ready for the bonfire tonight

The lower old town

Bonfire time- lighting the bamboo

And they are off

We follow

All the way through the village streets

Visiting Rethimno

The port

Visiting Lake Kourna

Lunch is cooking


Heading across the island

Our lovely nudist beach


Following the coastline

I love a red car

Great driving roads

Looking down into Dead Mans Canyon

Thats a salad! Yum

View across Katos Zakros

The Minoan Palace

The stunning Palm Beach

Nearly the end of the road

Windmill at the Topolon Monastery


Heading down into the Richtis Gorge

Finally the falls

The watering system for the olives... each one has a metre

More back roads

Lunch at Mochias

View from our room at Agios Nikolaos

Goodbye Crete


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